Sunday, October 18, 2009

My birthday.. =D

17-10 is wad day? my birthday!! =]

N afternoon we went to a open house opposite our house..

The food thr nice =] n the ABC very nice!! still got toping nangka/durian or mango..

XD n korkor n jiejie made a card for me== wad happy butt day O.o

at night my family,korkor,popo n gugu went to a thai restorant.. new de opposite carefour.. xD

The food thr quite nice.. and service quite good.. very clean..

And thrs karaoke room== n function room!! walao yehhhh... tomyam quite nice O.o

But...... quite expensive =[..

I think around 9.30pm they sang the birthday song =]

the cake bought from secret recipe... =]

Wahaha so happy.. xD

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